
What's The #1 Mistake On Your Website?

Watch a FREE 50-Minute MASTERCLASS to Uncover Blind Spots and Missed Opportunities That Block Traffic, Leads, and Sales.

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Life Science Copywriter
Drive Traffic to Your Website, Generate Quality Leads, & Close More Sales

Search Engine Optimized (SEO) Content

When you educate your leads, you transform them into valuable prospects with a high likelihood of converting.

Brand Awareness Content
 Lead Generation & Conversion Content
 Customer Retention Content

Sales Enablement Content

Level up your sales by helping your reps reach prospects more effectively, overcome objections, & close more sales.

 Cold Prospecting Email Templates
 Call Scripts & Battlecatds
Sales Decks & Business Proposals

Direct Response Marketing Copy

Create persuasive, customer-focused messages that trigger interest, build trust, & inspire prospects to click, view, or buy

 Ad Copy & Landing Page Copy
 Sales Letter Copy
 Follow-Up Email Copy

SEO-Optimized Content Connects and Builds Trust


" SEO content keeps prospects interested in your message. It does not need to use heavy pitching, which turns them off. "

Life science technologies are often complex, expensive, or both. Considering the rapid pace of advancement in this sector ... and the disruption that the emergence of new technologies can cause ... people in your target audience are always searching for relevant information.

On average, they spend 6 months, 12 months, or longer on pre-purchase research before buying.

Most of this research is conducted online ... independent of your sales team. And as a rule of thumb, the higher the ticket value, the longer your sales cycle will be. You have a tremendous opportunity to shape their views before they enter the "buying window".


Knowing how the buying process unfolds can help you anticipate their needs at each stage. And guide you to tailor a continuum of SEO-optimized content to match their search intent.

You can be the authoritative resource they rely on to satisfy their craving for information. And show empathy for their experience at each stage as they navigate the buying process.

But the question is … whose content are they consuming?

This is precisely why you must continuously engage your prospects. To share educational content that helps them understand new applications as you roll them out.

Life Science Copywriter would love to help you create SEO content ... 👇🏼

Sales Enablement Content Helps You Sell More


" Sales Enablement Content helps your sales team overcome objections, close more sales, and generate better results. "

The life science sector is facing a harsh business environment. Increased competition from generic suppliers and new market entrants exerts significant downward pressure on prices.

And the shift to younger reps makes filling the sales funnel harder.

That's why sales leaders in this sector recognize the need to provide their teams with resources.

Sales enablement content ensures an excellent customer experience and repeatable wins by ...

But for you to have good sellers, each rep on your team must be consistent in their workflow. How?

You will need internal-facing content to reinforce your onboarding training program. And reference material for use at key touchpoints in the sales process.

You will also need external customer-facing templates your reps can personalize for each prospect.

But the difference between closing a sale and losing a deal boils down to having the right kind of sales enablement content ... exactly when your prospect needs it.

This up-front investment will get your team to sell more. To get you started ... 👇🏼

Direct Response Marketing Inspires People To Take Immediate Action


" You cannot bore people into buying your product; you can only interest them in buying it. "
~ David Ogilvy, the Father of Advertising ~

Direct response marketing uses copy that inspires people to immediately take action. For life science marketing, that translates to …

  • boosting conversion rates on your webinar landing page,

  • increasing the open rates of your e-newsletter,

  • having your critical brochure downloaded, or even

  • receiving payment for your goods or services.

They all rely on words that elicit an immediate response from your target audience, as soon as they finish reading your marketing message, rather than later.

So if you know how to use principles of persuasion, like customer-focused language, a sense of urgency, and a compelling call to action, you can get the desired response from a reader.

The instant click. A quick browse. A purchase. 

The beauty of direct-response marketing is that it is trackable, measurable, and targeted. And since most of it happens online, the campaign results can show in as little as 24 hours.

If you know what works, you can keep doing it or transfer it to another campaign.

Life Science Copywriter would love to help you improve your marketing results … 👇🏼

What Our Clients Say ...

It's truly a pleasure working with Life Science Copywriter on my project. Juliette was very helpful when it came to getting my message across clearly and gave me what I wanted. I will be happy to work with them on a continuing basis”.

~ Jennifer Bisschop. Personal Development Coach ~

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What's The #1 Mistake On Your Website?

Watch a FREE 50-Minute MASTERCLASS to Uncover Blind Spots and Missed Opportunities That Block Traffic, Leads, and Sales.

Connect with Life Science Copywriter

US Office
651 N Broad St. Suite 201. Middletown, DE 19709 USA. ☎️
  +1 (888) 997 6988

Africa Office
P.O. Box 8614, 00100-Nairobi, Kenya.
☎️  +254 722 339682 


📆   Schedule a FREE discovery call HERE!

About Life Science Copywriter

Life Science Copywriter is a brand that is owned and operated by JiiEL, LLC. 

All elements, images, and contents on the website are properties of JiiEL, LLC. 

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